Friday 8 July 2011

... and it begins!

I make no apologies, I do what I do because I love it.

I remember I was a typical ten year old, well maybe not so typical. I lived on a farm at the foot of the Brown Mountain in the beautiful Bega Valley. I had a horse, a motorbike, pushbikes, and a Russian built .22 calibre rifle. I loved all my things equally. I used to love going out and getting dirty, like any kid, helping dad on the farm, but what I most loved to do was help mum cook. We regularly had cooking days when we would bake cookies, cakes and various other delights that dad would proudly tell his workmates his son made.

The first thing I truly made on my own was a chocolate coconut slice, I remember everything about that day. I remember the quantities and I even remember the bowl I used to make the mix... sad I know! Anyway, I digress, I made the mix, greased and lined the tray, poured in the mixture (it was here that I learnt not to waste a thing so the bowl was scraped almost clean, a fact my family pays heavily for now in never having the bowl or beaters to lick clean) and into the already warm oven. I watched, and watched .... and watched waiting for it to be ready, to change colour so I knew it would be ready. It was chocolate based so it was already dark..... so I overcooked , ok I burnt it. My dad still ate it, he said it was 'pretty bloody good for a first effort' .

It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to cook for a living. I wanted to learn how to cook something for my dad that he would really like, something I was proud to let him eat. That was more than 30 years ago. I am now a chef with 25 years experience and have come a long way from that over cooked slice.


  1. Enjoyed it Pete ... look forward to hearing more from you. As we have discussed, I fully understand your enjoyment of cooking. The difference is that I knew if I went that way professionally I would lose the joy of it all.

    Looking forward to hearing what you have to say in the future.

  2. Great start for your new blog looking forward to reading more.

    (((( Hugs )))) XXXX Kisses XXXX

  3. Hey Pete... I don't say this to many people - ever. You can write! Almost as well as you can cook. Love your guts.
